Existential Breakdown

Stole a soul and here I am:
walking about the streets
looking for personalities that suit me.

Ever meet a person
so captivating
you wanna talk like them?

Ever catch yourself
using your dad’s favorite catchphrase?
“Can't wait for tomorrow, cuz I get better looking everyday.”

Reading up online
what a perfect posture looks like;
sitting at the dinner table next week
when someone says, “feeling tense?”

Or wear a hat you like
but all day you see yourself
in windows and automatic doors—
what an idiot.

Look at yourself:
examining and picking yourself apart, man—
placing it next to that perfect moment
you've witnessed in other people.

Oh boy, nothing natural can be helped,
and all the unnatural shit
is so controlled, and then here we are
coming up with subtle ways to blend
the things we want to be with who we are—

rocking that leather jacket,
but I cried at the end of Bicentennial Man—

Jesus Christ.

Romanticism was a freeing of the ego
and to be eccentric was to be desire.

But what is freedom?
I have a kind of answer—eh, well, here:
so much of freedom has been
of how another perceives
us as an individual.


I wonder if freedom could be
a giving up to others? A laying bare?
Not a “look at my life and
what I can do,” but
here I am: my flaws and suffering,
my joys, my everything—take it!

Take it from me and love it!
abuse it! manipulate it! cherish it!

I'm not a puppet!
I cannot hide and you cannot deny.

Am I an individual then?
Is that selfish?

The nature of it all is contradictory:

that’s freedom.
Freedom to fuck up and apologize.
Freedom to own up and let go.
Freedom to love and hate—but...
I wouldn't hate anything.

Maybe it's opportunity, too, but,
you never know until you know.
Every second is a chance to change—

stumbling and bumbling
and on and on all through life:

suddenly, everything you've expected—well,
walk slow. You'll see something you've never seen before.
That's life.
You will never unsee it. You will never
unthink it. You will be faced
with yourself in the world.

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